A community resource for the greater Oneonta, NY area. Look here for local, family friendly events as well as news concerning Oneonta World of Learning (OWL), a children's museum coming soon to Oneonta NY
Contact Amy at WorldOfLearning@live.com or 607-431-8543
Find out more about OWL at www.OneontaWorldOfLearning.org
Friday, June 25, 2010
Ice Cream Social coverage on WBNG
It was very exciting to see OWL on the news! I can't thank Jessica Vecchione enough for filming the event and sharing her time and talents so generously.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The weekend :)
Sat at 10am is 'fishing day' at the Roger's Environmental Education Center. http://thedailystar.eviesays.com/venue/id/94956.html
The Oneonta Farmers' Market, 9am-2pm on Saturdays. This is an open-air market located on Main Street Plaza in historic downtown Oneonta. For info call 437-0158 or visit oneontafarmersmarket.com.
For an affordable and fun family outing, check out the Oneonta Outlaws game schedule. Local games are held on historic Damaschke Field in Neahwa Park. Weekend games are at 7:05pm On Sat these collegiate athletes will take on the Cooperstown Hawkeyes. On Sunday, they will confront the Watertown Wizards. Visit oneontaoutlaws.com.
Looking ahead:
Mon June 28th at 8pm Yamaha Artist DANA LEONG, international jazz ambassador for the US State Dept, performs an exciting FREE concert on the Yamaha SV Electric Cello as part of the New York Summer Music Festival (NYSMF) Visiting Artist Series. Hunt Union Ball Room SUNY Oneonta. http://events.publicbroadcasting.net/wskg/events.eventsmain?action=showEvent&eventID=1034818
On Tuesday, 29 June, consider going on a bike ride, starting at the David Brenner Recreation Center in Neahwa Park. Call 433-2236 for info.
My family had a great time listening to Country Blend, in Neahwa Park this Thursday! Look for a new concert every Thursday night at 7pm this summer, at the bandstand in good weather, under the pavillion if it rains. Details are at http://www.oneonta.ny.us/community/smsschedule.asp.
Schenevus offers Sunday night concerts, at 6pm on Borst Field. Call 638-5656 for info.
Register for Orpheus Summer Musical Theatre Workshops! Call 607 432-9392 or visit http://www.orpheustheatre.org/workshops.htm.
Also, consider a History-Themed Camp for Kids at Hanford Mills Museum, July 19-22. For information, visit www.hanfordmills.org or call 607-278-5744.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The weekend is here
June 18 to 19, Show & Celebration to benefit Heifer International: Elizabeth Nields Clay Workshop, 429 Chicken Farm Road, Otego, Phone: 607 783-2476 http://www.elizabethnieldsclayworkshop.com/heifercelebratio.html (Friday 3-6pm, Sat. 11-6)
O-Teen Film Festival, 4 Academy St. Oneonta, Phone: 607 433-2009, Sat June 19 (hours TBD).
Sat is Dairy Day at the Oneonta Farmer's Market, Kim K. Muller Plaza, Main St. Oneonta, http://www.oneontafarmersmarket.com/, 9 am - 2 pm
Sat at noon in Neahwa Park: Bark For Life is a non-competitive 1-mile walk for dogs and their people to raise funds, and awareness in the fight against cancer! Email: oneontabarkforlife@gmail.com
Sun brings the 36th Annual Antique & Classic Auto Show & Flea Market at Scramling Ave. (6th Ward Athletic Field) Oneonta. Sponsored by The Reminiscers Car Club, 9 am - 4 pm rain or shine
Sunday brings another Outlaws game to Oneonta: The best collegiate players in the nation compete at Damaschke Field this summer. Enjoy great baseball, great food and live entertainment Sunday. Be part of the excitement in the Outlaws first season! oneontaoutlaws.com
Looking ahead:
Every Thursday this summer, enjoy free music in Neahwa Park http://www.oneonta.ny.us/community/smsschedule.asp, 7 - 8 pm
ProAm Community Concert, Wednesday, July 21, at 7:30 pm at The Farmers' Museum - Celebrate the love of chamber music with a free concert that combines the talents of professional musicians and distinguished amateurs. The culmination of an intensive seminar, this performance features works by Brahms, Mozart, Bach, and Durufle. No ticket or reservation necessary.
It's time to register for Orpheus Summer Musical Theatre Workshops! Call 607 432-9392 or visit http://www.orpheustheatre.org/workshops.htm
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
History Camp! July 19-22
Children 8 -12 are invited to take a trip to the 19th century this summer at Hanford Mills Museum in East Meredith. The Summer Apprentice Workshop (SAW) day camp, which will be held July 19-22, features science experiments, woodworking, nature explorations, arts and crafts, and 19th century games. A special family party on the last day of camp will be held for the children to display their crafts, and to serve and enjoy treats they made at camp. Le by Museum staff and held on the Museum’s 70-acre site, the camp runs 9 am–3 pm each day.
The fee for the four-day camp is $75 for Museum Members, $90 for non-members. Pre-registration is required. You can register online on the Museum’s web site, www.HanfordMills.org, by phone 800/295-4992. Funding for this program is provided by Stewart’s Shops.
About Hanford Mills Museum
Hanford Mills Museum, listed on the National and New York State Registers of Historic Places, is one of only a handful of operating water powered mills in the country. Hanford Mills Museum is open Wednesdays through Sundays, and on holiday Mondays, from 10 am to 5 pm, through October 15th. Hanford Mills Museum is located at 73 County Hwy 12, at the intersection of Delaware County Routes 10 & 12 in East Meredith, just 10 miles from Oneonta, and 15 miles from Delhi. For information, visit www.hanfordmills.org or call 607-278-5744.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Thank you sponsors!!!
It was a joy to bring this event to the community.

Sweet Home TV has posted a video clip of the event at http://www.sweethometv.com/#videonews.
And don't forget to check out Oneonta World of Learning's new website at www.OneontaWorldofLearning.org!
The weekend
Oneonta Farmers' Market: Knitting in Public Day, Main St. (Kim K. Muller Plaza), Oneonta http://www.OneontaFarmersMarket.com, Sat June 12, 9 am - 2 pm
The Bowmans FREE Concert in the New Theater, Foothills Performing Arts Center, 24 Market St., Oneonta. Sponsored by Five Star Subaru of Oneonta, June 12, 7:00 pm
Meredith Dairy Fest (Meridale), Turnpike Road off Route 28 Meridale, http://www.dairyfest.com June 12 to June 13, 10 am - 5 pm
Little Delaware Youth Ensemble Spring Concert at the Anderson Theater, Hartwick College, Oneonta, call: 607 435-3857607 or visit: http://www.LDYE.org June 13, 3:00 pm
Please check out the new Oneonta World of Learning Website (donated by DTi!!!) www.OneontaWorldOfLearning.org.
Looking ahead:
Come on out to a ballgame: Oneonta Outlaws Baseball: SUNY Oneonta Alumni Night at Damaschke Field, Neahwa Park, Oneonta www.oneontaalumni.com, June 17 (rain date June 24)
Summer time concerts are back! Every Thursday enjoy free music in the park: Oneonta City 2010 Summer Music Series (Thursdays), Neahwa Park Bandstand, Oneonta, http://www.oneonta.ny.us/community/smsschedule.asp 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Summer workshops:
Paperkite Creative Summer Workshops are a fun and creative way to spend summer vacation. Workshops are available for grades 1-6 and offer a variety of activities from arts and crafts to creative writing and imagination workshops. All classes meet at the Smithy-Pioneer Gallery classroom, 55 Pioneer Street, Cooperstown, NY and include a healthy snack. All work will be exhibited and presented at an end of season celebration. Please visit http://www.paperkitecreative.com for details and course descriptions.
And check out Oneonta Outlaws Baseball Camps http://www.oneontaoutlaws.com/pages/camps.asp
Sunday, June 6, 2010
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Thursday, June 3, 2010
Too busy to blog
The Ice Cream Social is from 1-5pm in Wilber Park! Park in the High School Parking lot and join us for science in the park activities, entertainment on the stage, free ice cream, remote control aircraft and much more!
I do recall that the Outlaw's opening night is also on Sunday, so meander over to Damascke Field after you've had your fill of ice cream.
Still looking for something to do? I recommend www.TheOneontaCalendar.com, www.OneontaOnTheMap.com and the Daily Star's online events calendars.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Ice Cream Social - This Sunday
Please join Oneonta World of Learning (OWL) in Wilber Park, upper level, this Sunday from 1-5pm for free ice cream, entertainment on the mobile stage, children's science activities and more. There will be remote control aircraft demonstrations in the lower level of the park.
For details, visit www.OneontaWorldofLearning.org.