Set deep in the mysterious Tombigbee Swamp, Wiley and The Hairy Man centers around a young fatherless child, his conjure-woman Mother, his faithful Houndog, and the Hairy man who haunts Wiley’s days and dreams.
Rhythm and rhyme create the mystery of the swamp. The magic of this play is not fairy dust- it is soil. The magic of earth and mud of the swamp. The magic of survival. In an exciting duel of wits, Wiley learns to rely on his own resources and conquers two villains: the Hairy Man and his own fear.
Playwright Suzan Zeder has been recognized nationally and internationally as one of the nation’s leading playwrights for family audiences. Zeder is the three-time winner of the Distinguished Play Award given by the American Alliance of Theatre and Education and has been inducted into the College of Fellows of The American Theatre in Washington, DC.
The cast is comprised of Hartwick College students. The show features: Frankie Molina’14, Bianca Tubolino ’12, Mark deRoziere ’12, Mike Seeber ’12, Emmanuella Brayke ’11, Kathryn LaForest ’11, and Kyrie McCormick ’14.
Wiley and the Hairy Man is directed by Malissa A. Kano-White, assistant professor of Theatre Arts, assistant directed by Aja Smith, intern for the theatre arts department, and stage managed by Molly Bolton, production manager for the theatre arts department . Gary Burlew, theatre arts’ Technical Director, is the play’s lighting designer. Ken Golden, professor of theatre arts is the play’s set designer. Ruth Trow ’11 and Kristen Wagner ’12 are the play’s prop designers. Jonny Kravetz ’11, and Kristen Wagner ’12 are the play’s technical support.
The play will be performed 3 times, February 18th at 7:00pm and February 19th & 20th at 2:00 pm. Tickets are $8 for the general public and $5 for Students, Senior Citizens, Hartwick College faculty, and staff. Reservations, while not required, are strongly suggested. They may be made by calling 607-431-4227 or at