Monday, June 30, 2008

Tell me about your day

For months I've been cuddling with my three year old before bed time and asking him about his day. Generally I get no answer or something off the wall. So he's three going on thirteen, I think. Yet if I forget to ask, he will remind me. But tonight, he talked! He told me about the poisonous spider they found on the slide, which kids were not in his new classroom and even how the teachers were working nights to move the class rooms around. Needless to say, it was great.

To better develop a relationship with your child, Reader's Digest suggests decoding your child's love language: "they may not understand the ways you show your love -- and you may not understand the ways they're best able to receive it." My dad showed his love by always being there, working hard, and frying eggs for breakfast, but he was never comfortable with hugs and kisses. Some kids need cuddles, others not so much. Some want your time while others need independence. "The next time you spend time with your child, pay attention to the cues he or she sends so you can better interpret the way your child needs to be loved."

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