Thursday, July 3, 2008

Heartfelt thanks!

Thanks to all who participated in our first Fortin Park Focus Group! Local mothers told us how they spend their time, how they deal with the isolation of long New York winters, and what they feel is missing from this area. They expressed a desire for more places to go in the winter, with age appropriate play spaces. Many also expressed a deep desire to foster global awareness in their children. All valued local support and play groups. It was even suggested that we have more "focus groups" just for fun--so moms can actually talk while their kids play!
Special thanks to those who volunteered to play with the children. The kids had a wonderful time with sidewalk chalk, the world's largest collection of Mr. Potato Head toys, the swing sets and the ball tent. We'd especially like to thank Sallie Han for sharing her special talents in organizing this event.

Amy, Andrea, and Rachel
Founding Co-Chairs
The Children's Musuem at Oneonta

Need help finding a local play group for your children?
Email Amy.

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