I'm back to reading Raising Confident Boys again. I especially like Tip #30, 'Respect his play.'
"...through safely managed independent play, boys gradually realize that they can handle life on their own."
The author sites play as being essential for "the development of self esteem and confidence," not just because boys practice social and problem-solving skills, but because, through play, children learn about themselves and establish their own identity.
Looking back at my childhood, I find myself agreeing with the author on this one. At school, church and at home, I always tried to be the person I thought I was supposed to be, someone very like my parents or especially my big sister. Coming from 'a good family,' this was by no means a bad thing. But when I was playing, I could step outside of their boundaries, try new things, and sometimes find that I was good at them.
The book is Raising Confident Boys: 100 Tips for Parents and Teachers by Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer (and yes, there is a 'girls' version).
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