Spring is here, bringing unpredictable weather and often as not, a bit of warm, wonderful sunshine. There are plenty of great activities for the weekend. I shall be planting yard long green beans - that is to say, bean plants that produce yard long beans. It promises to be a wonderful summer!
Relay for Life is Sat April 24th at SUNY Oneonta's Alumni Field House.
Sat, 8am-noon: celebrate Earth Day and recycle your old computer without paying a fee http://www.DKRecycling.com.
OH Fest is Sat 1-5pm on Main Street and in Neahwa Park, with a concert at 6pm in Neahwa Park.
Sun April 25th 3:30pm: Benefit concert for Oneonta food pantries and feeding programs, featuring Sweet Adelines, Catskill Chamber Singers, Redeeming Love, Just Throw Money and the Roundhouse Rockers. All performing at 66 Chestnut St.
Looking ahead:
Saw It! At Hanford Mills Museum, Saturday, May 1 from 10am-5pm.Lumberjack skills, woodworking demos, live music, mill tours, children's activities, tree walks and more. Children under 12 and museum members free, $8.50 adults & teens, $6.50 seniors. Ask for AAA and military discounts. www.hanfordmills.org
Give a HOOT (Help Owl Out Today!) by volunteering for one of our dynamic committees or for special events (we need scoopers! and a small army of helpers for Ice Cream Social)- we of course would love for you to sponsor our programs with a donation and help us get a place to call home!