According to Zero to Three, " Half of all parents say they end most days feeling that they spent less time than they wanted to with their young child." In my case, I was probably doing dishes or checking email (which has become just another household chore). It's not time that I lack--it's quality time. I find myself yearning for a place away from the distractions of my to-do list, a place where my kids can make a mess without stressing me out, a safe place with age appropriate toys--where I can let down my guard for a while. In my fantasy place, there is room for creativity, but also plenty of ready-made activities, so don't have to think of everything. All I have to do is take joy in my children.
Children's museums are designed with all of these goals in mind. They help busy parents find a balance between their obligations and their need for family time. They provide safe places for play dates. I can't count the number of times when I didn't host a play date because I felt my house was just too messy, or that friends wouldn't want to drive over. They help moms connect with each other as well. You'd be surprised how much a little adult conversation can mean to a parent who's been in toddler land all day.
Oneonta World of Learning (OWL) will be just such a place. We're not building a tourist attraction, although tourists will undoubtedly come. And we're not creating an indoor circus, although it will be fun! We're creating a children's museum. The best way to find out what that means is to go to one. The nearest children's museums are in Binghamton (the Discovery Center), Albany (CMOST), and Utica (Utica CM).