Thursday, April 30, 2009


Tonight: The Joys and Trials of Toilet Learning, free seminar at Bugbee Chidlren's Center, auditorium. Info 436-2484

Terpsichorean, the SUNY Oneonta student dance company, presents Backstage Pass: Confessions of a Choreographer, at 8PM on Thursday, April 30, Friday, May 1, and Saturday, May 2, in the Goodrich Theater, Fine Arts Center, SUNY Oneonta campus, with an additional matinee performance at 2PM on Saturday, May 2. Tickets are $5 for general admission. Call 436-2748.


Science Saturday May 2, 2009: OWL presents hands on chemistry activities for children age 2 and up. SUNY Oneonta faculty present Chemistry of Fireworks workshops for children age 5-13. Join us for fun at the Science Discovery Center from 10am-12:30pm as we close out a wonderful series of Saturdays. Pre-registration is required only for the workshops:

Fishing Derby in Morris, NY, Saturday May 2nd. 8-9am registration, 9-12 kick off, located up at the creek off of Dimmock Hollow Rd. Fish, prizes, fun!

8:30am Saturday May 2, Sport Tech 10 mile bike ride, register 432-1731

8am Sat May 2, Bird Walk at Robertson Lodge, Pine Lake campus, info 431-4520

9am-2pm Delarc bike-a-thon at Delaware County Fairgrounds, info 865-7126

The Catskill Symphony Orchestra will perform 8PM on Saturday, May 2 in the Hunt Student Union, SUNY Oneonta campus . A generous grant allows any one or two adults to bring any number of children or older students to the performance without charge. Phone x2670 for more information.


Sun May 3rd, Leatherstocking Region MS Walk 11am-4pm in Neahwa Park, call 1-800-FIGHT-MS

Looking ahead:

Tues May 5th at 7pm, join us at our monthly Oneonta World of Learning (OWL) meeting, in the Main Street Gallery next to the Oneonta Fire Station.

Cinco de Mayo Festival at St. Mary'school, 5pm-7pm May 5th. Info 432-1450.

Summer Opportunities:

The Cooperstown Crew rowing club is launching this summer, open to college bound high school students. No previous experience is necessary and the free program includes a comprehensive coaching program. Interested students should call Andrea at 433-0160.

2009 Science Summer Camp, free thanks to funding by by the National Science Foundation, for local 10th & 11th grade students. Camp Application at:

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