The Otsego County Fair in Morris NY runs through this Sun.
The kangaroo at the zoo has a baby joey in her pouch! Sun 12-5pm is one price rides. Visit for details.
The Schoharie County Sunshine Fair in Cobleskill runs through Sat. Visit
cobleskillfair.comFri and Sat:
Relay For Life Of Oneonta at Fortin Park; survivor lap Fri 6 p.m., followed by dinner and reception; Fight Back ceremony, 8 p.m.; luminaria ceremony, 10 p.m. Fun for the whole family on Sat. Email for details.
Fri 7 Aug, 8:30pm Friday Fun Night outdoor movie in Cooperstown at the Glimmerglass State Park; featuring safety presentation by Safe Kids of Otsego County at 8 p.m. Info: 547-8662
7:05pm Fri Tigers vs. Staten Island. Free books, live band before the game, and Scout Night: troops register for package deals to the game.
Sat 8 Aug 10am-2pm is
Kids' Day at the Oneonta Farmers' Market, Muller Plaza, Main Street; with live music, stories and performances. For info: 437-0158.
Sat: Open Water Swim at Gilbert Lake. Call 432-0010 for details.
Sat 10am is Explore the Summit Trail at Rogers Environmental Education Center, state Route 80, Sherburne. For info: 674-4017.
Sat 2pm-3:30pm Search for the Arthropod Squad at Landis Arboretum, Lape Road, Esperance. For info: (518) 875-6935.
7:05pm Sat Tigers vs. Staten Island. Fans who donate clothing receive old Oneonta Yankees memorabilia.
OneontaTigers.comFlat Creek, Schenevus, and Maryland NY are all having 'lawn sale' days Sat.
Sun 9 Aug the Swart-Wilcox Summer Sundays: 'Goin' to Pot' at the Swart Wilcox House, Wilcox Avenue, Oneonta; visit 1 - 3 p.m.; program at 1:30 p.m. with potter Ellie Stromberg. Free. For info: 432-0665 or 432-8417.
6pm Sun Tigers vs. Staten Island.
Bring your dog to the game.
Looking ahead:Glen Brook Farm is offering Art Farm workshops with Cynthia Marsh next week. Call 432-0932 for details.
Tues 11 Aug at 10am the Summertime Arts, Education and Just Plain Fun program continues with
Strings the Thing at the Franklin Free Library, 334 Main St.
Wed 12 Aug 10am La Leche League breast-feeding information group meets in Oneonta at the First United Methodist Church, corner of Chestnut and Church streets. Call Kate at 432-5984 for info.
Wed 6:30pm Magic by Michael at the Sidney Memorial Public Library, 8 River St, Sidney. For info: 563-1200.
Nature and Art Kids program with The Roxbury Arts Group August 17 - 21st, from 9:30 am - 3 pm. 5 day program for children ages 8 to 12 includes a kayaking trip, water relay, crafts, puppet show. Info: