Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mercury study released

Fishing is a great way to get kids outside and exploring, but think before you fry up that fish you just caught. A government study has recently confirmed that mercury contamination is widespread. From the article:
"The main source of mercury to most of the streams tested ... is emissions from coal-fired power plants."

"All but two states — Alaska and Wyoming — have issued fish-consumption advisories because of mercury contamination."
NY State has issued warnings about fish caught in Adirondack and Catskill streams (scroll down for advice on which fish to avoid altogether and which to eat in moderation): water body specific warnings.

Women, infants and children shouldn't eat ANY fish caught in certain waters: Off limits. Why women and children in particular?
"...chemicals may have a greater effect on developing organs in young children or in the unborn child. They also build up in women's bodies and are often passed on in mother's milk." --NY DEC
Wondering just how mercury contamination happens? Check out the mercury cycle.

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