Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Early childhood enrichment

From the Vice President of our board, Andrea Thies:

"Attached is a link to a very good article about early education and the overwhelming evidence that kids require enriched experiences well before they get into school. This is one of the arguments in support of OWL's mission ... Besides, Education circles are all the buzz about early childhood literacy development."

Here is a quote is taken from the first page of the article:

Past efforts tended to focus on later childhood, but “the cost-benefit ratio is more favorable in early childhood than at any point in the life cycle,” says HGSE dean Kathleen McCartney. In the case of some skills and abilities, in fact, by the time a child enters school it’s too late to have maximum impact. Children’s vocabulary at age five very reliably predicts the number of words they know in sixth grade ...'

Read more at http://harvardmagazine.com/2009/03/the-developing-child

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