Friday, October 1, 2010

The weekend

Otsego Co. Hazardous Waste Collection Day is Sat Oct 2nd at Otsego County Meadows in Cooperstown. Call 607-547-4228 for details.

Fun on Sat: Beer & Blues Customer Appreciation Day at the Oneonta Farmer's Market, Main St. Oneonta, 9am-2pm, sponsored by Brewery Ommegang.

Waffles & Puppets 2010 is on Sat as well, from noon-5pm at Brewery Ommegang. Details:

On Sunday, join Oneonta World of Learning (OWL) at the 17th Annual Ricky J. Parisian Pit Run 10K Road Race, in Neahwa Park. OWL will be offering children's activities and crafts with a theme of 'healthy muscles and bones' before and during the races (around 9:30am-noon) Have the kids wear their tennis shoes; they'll also want to participate in the Pit Run's Fun Run. More info:

Also on Sunday, at Colonial Ridge Golf, there is a Fall Festival to support relay for life, from 11am-4pm. There will be story telling, parachute games, and face painting in addition to a craft fair featuring holiday specials, jewelry, chirstmas, halloween stuff, local authors, and a silent auction.

Looking Ahead:

Science Saturdays return on Oct 16th, featuring "Professor Snape's Potions Class" and "Advanced Potions Class." Professor Snape's Potions class will feature open, hands-on chemistry activities at the Science Discovery Center at SUNY Oneonta from 12:30-4pm (children aged 2-13, no registration required). Advanced Potions Class features two workshops for children with SUNY faculty (one for age 5-9, another for 10 and up). In Advanced Potions Class, children will watch as colors appear, disappear, and re-appear, create potions and take home your own glowing creation. Registration is required only for the advanced workshops. Details are at

Hogwarts and Hartwick Sat Oct 30th: Sorting Hat Seating at 4pm followed by feasting, music, costume contest and door prizes. For the young and the young at heart. Make Your Reservations now, $8, youth (16 and under) $10, (over 16), call (607) 432-4102. Proceeds benefit Oneonta World of Learning (OWL). Menu: Chicken Tenders, Drumsticks, Veggies, Dinner Rolls, Pumpkin Bars with Whipped Cream, and Apple Cider or Water. Magical music provided by Hartwick College Chamber Music Ensembles.

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